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Read about the basic habits during Covid-19 to tell your child before sending him school

In such a situation of Coid-19, before sending children to school, you have to teach and explain many important things that have become an important part of life in the Corona period, keeping in mind their safety.

Today, the fear of Corona is spread all over the world. All other countries including India are eagerly waiting for the Corona vaccine. But until the Covid-19 vaccine is available to all countries, it is the responsibility of all the elders at home with the government to take full care of the safety of their family. In such a situation, before sending children to school, you have to teach and explain many important things that have become an important part of life in the Corona period, keeping in mind their safety.

For the safety of your children when you will not around your children, you have to teach them all the necessary precautions that they should have to take outside their home. Let’s learn about those essential safety measures.

Social Distancing:

It means to keep a safe distance between yourself and the other person. The practice of social distancing means staying at least 2 feet distance away from others as much as possible to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Habit of washing hands

Teach your children that after touching the system, door handle, tap handle, clean hands thoroughly. Make it a habit for the children to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds. Apart from this, tell children to use hand sanitizer also.

Avoid eating food from other’s tiffin

Teach children not to eat food from their friends’ tiffin boxes due to Covid-19.


Use of the elbow or handkerchief while coughing and sneezing

Teach your children that whenever they sneeze or cough at school, they should use their handkerchief near their mouth so that the infection does not spread to other children. The virus enters the body if we touch our nose, mouth, and eyes. So always wear a face mask, that covers the nose and mouth while outdoors and do not touch your face.

To wear mask

Teach your children where social distancing is not possible, wear a cloth mask on your face. Always keep an extra mask in your child’s bag so that if he wants to change his mask then he can do it comfortably. Tell the child that he does not have to change his mask with his friends.



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