
International Youth Day 2020:Home Minister referred youths as greatest Asset to Nation

International Youth Day is a UN(United Nations)-designated day when youth from different nations engage in different events and discussions on socio-economic and socio-political issues affecting the lives of the people.

12th August(International Youth Day) is dedicated to the youth across the world so that the world can observe their voices, understand what they want, recognize and celebrate their achievements, and support in their particular passion.

International Youth Day is a UN(United Nations)-designated day when youth from different nations engage in different events and discussions on socio-economic and socio-political issues affecting the lives of the people.

In 1999, the United Nations N General Assembly approved the recommendation made by the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth, in Lisbon, that August 12, be declared as International Youth Day. The day was first organized in the year 2000. The United Nations was declared the International Youth Year in 1985.


Every year on this day the United Nations selects a theme. Many programs are organized around this world for the youth and by the youth. These events usually include parades, music concerts, exhibitions. In addition to this, communication is done with youth worldwide through various media.

Like every year, this time also the UN General Assembly has chosen a theme on International Youth Day. This time the theme is ‘Youth Engagement for Global Action’, the theme is aimed at national and multilateral institutions and processes to highlight the ways of youth participation at local, national, and global levels. To enrich as well as to promote their representation and participation in formal institutional politics.

This time due to the Corona epidemic, large scale programs are not being organized on this occasion. However, programs are being done through podcasts.

Youth constitute 18 percent of the total population of India. In terms of population, there are about 25 crore youth population in the country. The population of China is 60 million more than India but the youth in India are about 8 crore more than China. If we talk about the world, youth constitute 16 percent of the total population of the world.

Many political leaders tweeted on the day of International Youth Day. Vice President of India tweeted:

Amit Shah referred the youths as the greatest asset of any nation:

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