Here get to know about importance of Vitamin B12 in your body and B12 rich food items
Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that the body cannot make itself. Vitamin B12 is also known as cobalamin. Our body is dependent on the diet to get vitamin B12 regularly.

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that the body cannot make itself. Vitamin B12 is also known as cobalamin. Our body is dependent on the diet to get vitamin B12 regularly. Vitamin B12 remains stored in the liver so that if there is a slight deficiency in it, it can be recovered. When the amount of vitamin B12 is very low, only then the more serious symptoms start to emerge and it may be possible for years to happen.
Lack of sufficient amount of vitamin B12 is called vitamin B12 deficiency (Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia). In such a situation, the body makes red blood cells larger than normal, which cannot do their work properly.
Blood and microscopic examination of blood cells assess hemoglobin levels, red blood cells, and vitamin B12 levels in the blood. Treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency depends on what the doctors find the reason. For most people, a balanced diet is enough to get enough vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 supplement tablets may also be advised.
Importance of Vitamin B12:
By including regular vitamin B12 in your diet, the heart remains healthy, the skin looks fresh, there is no loss of blood in the body and the hair becomes strong. Apart from this, it also increases the metabolism of the body and prevents fatigue. It also keeps the body away from breast, colon, lung and prostate cancer. People who are deficient in this vitamin also take supplements to balance it.
Food items that are rich in Vitamin B12:
A lot of vitamin B12 is found in the yellow part of the egg.
you can also get B-complex vitamins such as vitamins B2 and B1 and B12. Eat low fat curd so that your body gets full nutrition and obesity also does not increase.
Eating oatmeal in breakfast not only provides nutrition and vitamins but also contains a lot of vitamin B12.
Full fat milk contains a lot of vitamin B12. If you do not eat meat, fish etc. then milk will be a good option for you.
Chicken Breast
Non-vegetarian loves chicken breast. It contains high amounts of B12 and folic acid.
Cheese is also rich in vitamin B12 along with other nutrients and vitamins. The amount of B12 in cheese is found to be 0.34 to 3.34 micrograms per 100 grams.
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