Facebook introduced Forward Limit feature like WhatsApp,forward messages to only five contacts at a time

It is worth noting that in 2018, Forward Limit was featured in WhatsApp. Now the company has announced to bring a similar feature in Messenger.

Facebook has introduced a new feature like WhatsApp. Under this feature, now the message can forward to only five contacts at a time. It is worth noting that in 2018, Forward Limit was featured in WhatsApp. Now the company has announced to bring a similar feature in Messenger. Actually, this feature has been done to prevent miss information and fake news from going viral. The company feels that doing so is a good way to slow down viral miss information and harmful content.

The message forwarding feature in Facebook Messenger is currently in beta testing and will be released to everyone after the test is successful. In the new update, if forwarding the same message to more than five people, you will get a notification of “forwarding limit reached”. This feature of Facebook Messenger was first seen during testing in March this year and now the company is releasing it for a select few users.

After setting the forward limit in WhatsApp, such messages have been reduced by up to 70%. Apart from the forward message limit, the WhatsApp team is also trying to place a limit on the Frequent forward message on its platform. Last year, WhatsApp rolled out the label For Forwarded Messages for its Android and iOS apps. At the same time, in April this year, WhatsApp had imposed a limit on Frequent Forwarded Messages.

A statement issued by Facebook stated that “Forwarding limit is an effective way to reduce the spread of viral misinformation and harmful content, such information has the potential to harm the real world.”

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