Uttar Pradesh

Breast Cancer will not stop you anymore

Lucknow Breast Cancer Support Group was established in May 2019 by Dr. Anand Mishra, who has achieved new heights in a year itself and now this group has been named, its name is Udaan.

Lucknow: The encouragement of women who have been defeated by breast cancer and those living in India as well as abroad, towards the Lucknow Breast Cancer Support Group, is a pleasant feeling that is being felt somewhere. It was not as difficult to create self-confidence in the patients undergoing treatment with the cancer survivors as in the group. From now on, these Survivors will have 70 percent participation in the presentation of the programs held in the meet. Today the monthly meeting, which was held virtually through Google Meet, was dedicated to the Shravan month, and many of its members gave their presentations about Saavan, some of which sent videos and some gave live presentations, informed by Dr. Anand Mishra, Head of the Department of Endocrine Surgery of King George’s Medical University (KGMU).

Moreover, he told that the courage of women who beat breast cancer is touching the sky today, As per information, the Lucknow Breast Cancer Support Group, established in May 2019 by Dr. Anand Mishra, who has achieved new heights in a year itself and now this group has been named, its name is Udaan.

Dr. Mishra explains that from the diagnosis of the disease to the treatment and then to complete recovery, I felt that there should be such groups in India too, which will not only encourage those survivors. Rather, new patients will also get inspiration by looking at them, which will help them to be healthy somewhere in their minds.

Dr. Anand told that today a breast cancer surveyor Shivani Malhotra asked the US to join the meeting by messaging at one and a half hours local time, Shivani asked permission to join the meet not only for herself but also for her friends.

Dr. Anand said that similarly, an acquaintance in Mumbai told him that when he returned after getting breast surgery from his relative abroad when he came to know that there are such cancer support groups in India, he was very surprised and also desired to join this meet.

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