Alphabet and Google CEO Sundar Pichai clarified google is not in the race to buy TikTok

In the new episode of the podcast 'Pivot Schooled Live', Pichai was asked by Recode's Cara Swisher and New York University professor Scott Galloway if his company was interested in buying TikTok.

Alphabet and Google CEO Sundar Pichai have ruled out that their company is in the race to acquire Chinese short-video making app Tik-Tok. In the new episode of the podcast ‘Pivot Schooled Live’, Pichai was asked by Recode’s Cara Swisher and New York University professor Scott Galloway if his company was interested in buying Tik-Tok.

Pichai responded negatively to this question. He further said that this app, owned by ByteDance, pays for using Google’s cloud services. TikTok has 100 million users in the United States or 10 crore users, but the company has consistently been a target of the Trump administration for the past few months. However, TikTok has now filed a lawsuit against the executive order banning the Trump administration.

On the podcast, Pichai said that like many other tech companies in the midst of the epidemic, TikTok has also grown. Pichai said, “There are many companies that have emerged very strongly at the moment. The big companies are doing very well, but I am also seeing many emerging companies.” He said that today there are more options for information than ever before.”

President Donald Trump had told the media at the White House that he was considering banning TikTok in the US. At the same time, it was also reported that Microsoft, one of the world’s largest software companies, is considering the acquisition of TikTok.

India banned 59 apps related to Chinese, including TicTock, UC Browser, Shareit, and WeChat, saying that these apps were prejudiced to the sovereignty, integrity, and security of the country.

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